Please visit our Facebook page or YouTube channel to view the worship videos. The accompanying worship folders are accessible from this page.
On-line Worship Folders
January 5 - 2nd Sunday in Christmas ~ Epiphany Sunday (worship folder)
January 12 - Baptism of Christ (worship folder)
January 19 - 2nd Sunday after Epiphany (worship folder) - no pre-recorded service video available
January 26 - 3rd Sunday after Epiphany (worship folder) - no pre-recorded service video available
February 2 - 4th Sunday after Epiphany ~ Presentation of Christ (worship folder)
February 9 - 5th Sunday after Epiphany (worship folder)
February 16 - 6th Sunday after Epiphany (worship folder)
February 23 - 7th Sunday after Epiphany (worship folder)
March 2 - 8th Sunday after Epiphany ~ Transfiguration of Christ (worship folder)
March 5 - Ash Wednesday (worship folder)