Our ChurchLeadership

Our Church thrives because of the energy and style of the people who are a part of our leadership. Here are a few of the people that make our church community special:


Minister of Faith Formation 

St. Peter’s Lutheran Church and Elementary School, is seeking a part-time Minister of Faith Formation. Interested candidates should be motivated individuals with a grateful heart, excited to share Christ’s love with the children at our school, their families, and our congregation, bringing us all together in love and community. For more information click HERE



Pastor Lans Alexis - Minister

Pr. Lans came to St. Peter's in the fall of 2010 from St. John's, Essex. He has enhanced our worship services by including such elements as Thomas Mass, Hymn Sing Sundays, and outdoor worship. He also leads the school's weekly chapel.

Pr. Lans is the point of contact for weddings, baptisms, funerals, memorial services, those who want to learn more about membership at St. Peter's and/or being Lutheran, prayer/guidance, and first holy communion.







Joy Mayne - Church Office Secretary

Joy originally came to St. Peter's in the fall of 2001 as the 5th grade teacher for the Day School. She ended her call as teacher in the spring of 2005, and began a new chapter with St. Peter's Church in the summer of 2007.

When calling or visiting St. Peter's, Joy is most likely your first point of contact. She will help direct you to the right resource and/or provide information on what's happening at St. Peter's. She is also the contact for date/time availability to reserve the auditorium/ conference center, prayer concerns to be passed to the prayer chain and/or the pastor, bulletin/newsletter announcements, and parish registry record information.


Barbel OttoBärbel Otto - Organist & Choir Director

Bärbel joined the staff of St. Peter's in the fall of 2011. She was instrumental in coordinating the Choir which leads the congregation in song during Traditional worship.

Bärbel is the point of contact for joining the Choir and organ accompaniment for weddings, funerals, and memorial services at the church.







Richard Stone - Praise Team leader & Contemporary Director

In 2015, Richard began leading the Praise Team, which sings at the Contemporary worship. He was formally hired in February of 2016, and we are blessed to have him with us! Richard works closely with Pr. Lans and the PT to musically "energize" our Contemporary worship. Richard is the point of contact for joining the Praise Team.








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