About Our Church

Who We Are

The members and friends of St. Peter's Lutheran Church and Elementary School welcome all persons, regardless of ethnic heritage, religious backgrounds, etc. Together, we are learning God's truth, sharing the Spirit's healing, and following the way of Jesus.


Our Mission

We pray for the ability to open up God's Word to all of our community and beyond. A differance can be made through the actions of God's people. Feeding the soul and mind -- through thChurch interiore Word, song and gathering together -- will strengthen the whole Body of God.

However, we must not forget those in need. St. Peter's food pantry was established to help those in need of the basics of life so that they may be healthy, strong, and better able to join in our mission. Opening our Church to others, such as the Cancer Support Group for families struggling with illness, promotes our mission of healing. We host Narcotics Annonymous, who meet to support and encourage the healing of those struggling with addictions. Safe Harbor Christian Counciling is available for those in need of help with their personal struggles.

Teaching God's word is essential in today's world, and though Bible studies, Sunday school, Sunday worship, and other opportunities we strive to further the Message. The congregation of St. Peter's is thankful to God for its ability to have founded St. Peter's Elementary School. This state certified school with state certified teachers gives the children of our community the opportunity to recieve a Christian-based eduction at one of the best tuition rates in the area.

And we pray, from beginning to end. Through prayer, some will have their hunger relived. Through prayer, comfort and contentment and peace will come in the healing process. Through prayer, eyes will be open and our mission will grow.


About Our Elementary School

Who We Are


Our Goals

© 2025 St. Peter's Lutheran Church and Elementary School
Connected Sound - Websites for the Barbershop Community